French Mutual Insurer group MACSF Invests in Nextkidney B.V., Boosting Development of Revolutionary Portable Hemodialysis Device
December 20, 2023 - Author : Gaëtan Pannetier

MACSF leading French insurer of healthcare professionals and Nextkidney B.V., innovator in hemodialysis treatment, proudly announce the start of their partnership which involves a substantial 5 million EUR investment by MACSF, driving forward the development of the Neokidney™, the world’s first portable hemodialysis device.
A shared dedication to advancing healthcare innovation
Investing in Neokidney™ aligns with MACSF’s commitment to improving the healthcare system by supporting transformative technologies that positively impact on the practices of healthcare professionals and quality of life for patients.”, expresses Nicolas Gombault, deputy general manager of MACSF.”We are pleased to have secured an investment from MACSF which allows us to achieve our mission to make dialysis treatment at home available for a much bigger group of patients, as well as continue to build on our technology platform and to deliver ground-breaking clinical results”, states Jérôme Augustin, CEO of Nextkidney.
Quick adaption and go to market
The joint collaboration is set to accelerate 2024 clinical trials in France and The Netherlands and secure market clearance for the Neokidney™, a unique portable device using innovative sorbent technology to address the limitations of conventional dialysis treatments. The Neokidney™ is renowned for its user-friendly interface, minimal footprint in the home and remarkable ability to bring fluid usage back to 5 litres per treatment while delivering treatment outcomes in line with leading home hemodialysis devices.
“The partnership with MACSF strengthens our successful business model, where product development is collaboratively performed with future users and local payers – patients and insurance companies – resulting in quick adaption and go to market” stated John Stooker, COO/CFO of Nextkidney..
The leading French insurer of healthcare professionals, MACSF (Mutuelle d’assurance du corps de santé français) is committed to people working in the healthcare sector in France for more than a century and supports innovative healthcare solutions that prioritize patient
care. It employs 1,600 people and achieves a total revenue of around 2 billion euros. Aligned with its mission as a professional mutual insurance company, MACSF insures the risks of the private and professional life of more than one million clients.
More information :
Press contacts MACSF :
Séverine Sollier - 06 14 84 52 34 -
Annie Cohen - 06 71 01 63 06 -
About Nextkidney
Nextkidney B.V. finds its origin in Dutch Kidney Foundation, a patient driven health care charity, and is aims to improve the quality of life for kidney patients through innovation in dialysis technology. The small dimensions of the Neokidney™ portable hemodialysis device simplifies frequent self-care dialysis treatment anytime and anywhere. Neokidney™ is a registered trademark of NextKidney S.A.
Press contact Nextkidney :
Gaetan Pannetier
Marketing and BD Manager L : +41 21 556 51 30
M : +33 695692517 /
Investor contacts :
John Stooker - COO/CFO - +31 6 55 35 51 05
Jérôme Augustin - CEO - +33 6 40 42 79 91